Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Thoughts from Keith Porter - August 2nd

The last time I was in this room at Slovene Village with Liz Shropshire's group, I had my coat on the entire time. Tonight, it is as least 100 degrees in here, but the spirit is every bit as rich as it was before.

Liz does so much now it is easy to forget that this is where the magic happens. When Liz has the guitar around her neck and stands face-to-face with a bunch of kids living in a camp for families still displaced by war....the world seems like a better place for everyone (not just the camp residents).

In this setting, Liz's daily worries....fundraising, schedules, the discipline of her volunteer leaders, finding ways for Kosovars to study in America....all slip away. And she is left with the music and smiles.