Friday, July 29, 2005

Observations by Mike Hartman

The Slovene village was not as bad as I expected, but I guess the bathrooms were horrendous. It was a little dirty, and I did not see as many people and kids as I expected. The homes are small metal shipping containers which I could see us camping in for a few days, but these people have lived there for 6-8 years. I did several screenings, most of the kids were not too bad off. One boy had some hearing loss and a ruptured eardrum that had been oozing for a long time - due to a bomb blast. Madeline helped with the music class there.

In the evening, the whole group got together and sang and danced - lots of fun. We went back to the restaurant we ate at the night before and I had the same thing again - Skenderbeg. Good food - real cheap in the restaurants - 5 euro for a dinner and drink.

Today we went to the school in town. I saw a number of adults - somehow word got out about Dr. Korpi and me and neighbors stopped by (oops!) they eventually were told that we would let them know when all the kids were seen first. Liz told us later that most of the schools kept memorials or recognized the children and sometimes the teachers who were killed in the war, but this school did not have such a thing - too many dead. I

Tonight we went to a village near Albania for trout. It was very good and in the mountains near a nice (if the trash was not there) lake. The bathrooms were literally holes in the floor. The picture attached is of Maddie, me, and her host Blendiana. They are having a blast. Belndiana has thanked Liz many times for letting her host. Madeline has said only good things and she is learning some Albanian ("boys are crazy", "tomatoes are bad, bananas good").

If you can, let the church know we appreciate their prayers and support. We are making a difference - the Kosovar kids laugh a lot, and Liz says that doesn't happen a whole lot. Also let them know that although this is not a traditional mission trip (no bible passing, etc.) we are spreading Christ's message through our actions. I sincerely believe the best way to spread the Word is to share the spirit and they will seek the Word versus spreading the word and hoping the spirit will follow. Our actions and our presence are noticed by the whole town and they appreciate the fact that someone outside of here cares about them.

So many stories from here are so sad, it is somewhat amazing they are so happy. Many of the people I have seen have stress-related problems. From the kids to the adults I see so many health problems from - in part - stress. It is sad, but you see they have some hope when we show we care.

There were some children in the Slovene village so cute you would have put them in your luggage! If I come back here I want to expand the medical stuff to help the adult as well. I can't do much but see them, suggest lifestyle changes, and give out some OTC medications. But it helps...

I can't help from feeling a sadness - impending doom - because I wonder if the UN or anyone can resolve the problems they are having here. I have little hope the root problems will be fixed and if not it is inevitable more fighting will occur.

I know I have not touched on most of the happenings so I apologize - I will do better once we get home. We are all having fun, learning much, and making a difference - at least somewhat. We sure didn't learn near enough Albanian, but it just makes the trip more of an adventure!