Post-trip Thoughts and Photos from Deb Porter
Thanks to all who gave time and/or money toward the Muscatine Kosovo project! This was an awesome trip. Last year when the Kosovo children came here my life was forever changed. Children are the same across the world - regardless of the language they speak.
Beyond learning about and experiencing the children’s culture first hand, I’ve learned more about humanity in general. The teen Kosovar volunteers are amazing. They walk several miles each day to volunteer their time teaching peace through music. These volunteers have horror stories about the war and could easily be angry sulking teens. However, they find genuine happiness in using music to help others – even those children of ethnicities that were enemies during the war. That is a lesson we can all take advantage of: helping leads to healing.
Further, I am amazed by the adults and youth in our own group. The Muscatine kids were uninhibited in their willingness to interact with all the Kosovar volunteers and children. They held hands, sang songs, colored, cut, tied, knotted and enjoyed all the camp and program children – even those that were rambunctious and filthy. They really did mix so well that strangers would be unable to know which kids were from which country.
The adults were amazing also. They were able to find humor despite consecutive days without water for bathing, sleeping with crowing roosters seemingly on the windowsill, and having to follow instead of being the leaders for a change! The Korpis and Mike Hartman get an extra hurrah for smiling and being positive despite working extra long hours.
Thank you Dr. Smith for having such an insane idea of a music exchange with Kosovar folks and for talking my dreamer of a husband into joining your cause. We are all better for having the experience.
Again thanks to all involved, from the friendly store owners, helpful drivers and participants to those that donated to the cause: “teaching peace through music.” I believe it’s working!

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